I don't even remember a time that I wasn't 'Striving'. I remember sucking-in while getting out of the pool in my brand new swim suit when I was little, little. Or always wanting curly hair and after about 20 perms I gave up! Or always running in races striving for that first place ribbon but always having to settle for that rainbow participation ribbon. Today my striving looks a little different but it still feels as though I'm running in a race that I can not win!
What is this 'STRIVING' thing about? ..& is ALL bad? Aren't I supposed to try my to be my best? And what's the difference between trying & striving?
To TRY- To make an attempt/effort to do something/experiment
To STRIVE-To make great efforts to achieve/obtain something/STRUGGLE/fight vigorously
The difference between trying & striving is the STRUGGLE. There is no struggle in the trying because of the Holy Spirit. When we allow the Holy Spirit to be what He was made for (Our Helper)there is no struggle/striving that needs to be done because it's already done. (1John 1:9)
Last year I got to coach my Girls Volleyball team & I noticed something... If you're not familiar with Volleyball, in order to win you need to win at least 2 sets out of 3. What I started noticing is when our Girls had already won the first two sets they would play the third set much more relaxed, they would try new things like over-hand serves or spiking, they would not let a mistake go into the next play, & they smiled! They were playing from a place of Victory. They knew they already had a 'W' so it didn't matter if they 'made a mistake', they just played. Don't get me wrong they still wanted to win that last set & never stopped trying but there wasn't that striving.
Psalms 46:10-Be still & know that I am God. In the NASB it says ...'Cease from Striving' & know that I am God.
Today when I feel myself striving...& you know by the fragrance (another blog :)) If I just sit, be still, & cease from striving... it is in that place where I find victory even when I'm still running the race!
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