Monday, June 24, 2013


I've been practicing yoga for about four years now.  Originally my goal was to do the splits & I can say after many, many classes I have accomplished my goal & along the way I've learned my body can do allot more than I had ever imagined.  Yet in the midst of having victories in some of these poses I was missing the point.  When you watch a seasoned Yogi practice it's beautiful.  It is fluid & full of grace & peace.  The Poses that they can do are amazing but the TRANSISTIONS are what makes it a work of art.  You see transitions aren't nearly as rewarding to our ego as the glory of a full pose but here in lies the secret.  When your body is fully aligned & engaged in a pose there is a sense of arrival.  The bones adsorb much of the weight & your muscles support & stabilize you.  BUT during a transition your mind has to figure out where you are going & tell your body.  Most of us turn toward momentum & rely on muscles that are already strong.  Transitions are opportunities to build strength & integrity in new places.
I'm in a 'transitions' my life right now.  I have seen God be faithful & good in the past.  He has stretched me & grown me to places that I never thought possible.  AND I know that HE will remain faithful & good.  And HE will continue to do NEW things in & through me.  But right now, today I am in TRANSITION.
So in my yoga instructor training I'm learning the key to having good transitions.
1.Fully Engaged
2.Fully Aligned
So in my LIFE I'm learning the key to having good transitions.
1.Fully Engaged with the NOW. I am not wishing away this moment or using momentum to just 'get through' this day.  I practicing being present.  With the help of the Holy Spirit I am fully engaged w/HIM.
2.Fully Aligned with my Maker.  That means I spend some time in His word, aware of His presence & He adjust my thoughts to His Plum Line.
3.Breath.  I sit in this place of 'In Between' & I breath. 
So in my space of 'transition' I want to press into HIM & build strength & integrity into new places...How about you?  Won't you join me, Beloved?

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