It says in Galatians 5:1-It is for freedom that He has set you free. Stand firm then, & do not let yourself be burdened by the yoke of slavery.
How many of us are truly FLYing in our freedom? Or should I say soaring? Are you using your wings? And why wouldn't we?
I think sometimes we get comfortable in our captivity. You know that space of 'at least I know what to expect' or the space of 'complacency'. A place where we are ok with our own Mediocrity.
But here's the thing. Jesus didn't crawl up on that cross to just save me but for me to walk in freedom! ...or even FLY!
So I'm no longer a slave to my pride or my stomach. I am free to choose to rely on the Holy Spirit to have victory & FLY.
I read that Arizona quail take to the wings when they have to but they prefer to run because they can go up to 12mph & they can weave in & out under thick underbrush.
Isn't that so like us. We find victory in one area & want to stay in that area instead of pressing into Him for victory in a new space. Let's not be complacent & strengthen already strong places but lets build new spaces of freedom. Let's jump with out knowing exactly how to fly.
It is for freedom that He has set you free.
Is there a space where you feel like you are choosing comfortable captivity? If so, what can you do today to fly in freedom?
Fly, Beloved. FLY!
Fly, Beloved. FLY!
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