The other day I overheard my daughter's friend say to her, 'You are perfect. I hate you.'... Wait what?! Was that supposed to be a compliment? Why is it that (especially) us Ladies see 'HER' success as my loss. Why do we constantly compare ourselves to one another. Why do we see 'HER' doing something good & we immedantily think there is LESS for me. I think it has allot to do with this Scarcity Mentality. This is a hidden agreement that we (Ladies) have had for way to long.
Scarcity Mentality says things like:
-there is not enough
-I'm not enough
-there's nothing left for me
As if there was a pie & if 'she' gets a bigger piece that means there is LESS for me.
At the end of December, I was at a Birthday Party for Jesus & one of my closest Girlfriend's, Bethanie came up to me & shared with me where she was at & it was clear by the look in her eyes that she needed a change & I recognized that look. (I'd saw that same look in the mirror for awhile) So, I jumped in with her! We decided to do a Wellness Challenge through Herbalife & TruHit Gym. We changed our eating habits & workouts ...& we got to do this together!!! It was a tremendous gift to go through this Transformation together! She was a great source of accountability, inspiration & strength! (still is)
But, let me be real here, it was hard. We went up against this ugly spirit of Scarcity & Comparison. The enemy of our souls came for our friendship & our success.
A month or so into our challenge Bethanie won the Janurary Challenge & after one of our WOD (Workout Of the Day) :) Our Coach & good Friend said to me 'Look at Bethanie's numbers. She is rocking it! She is doing her Meal Plan & getting great results!' (in front of everybody)
In my head I was a 13 year old girl who didn't measure up. What I heard her say was... you are not enough. What she was saying was it's working for Bethanie & it will work for you. She was trying to give me hope but the enemy was trying to take me captive with comparison. I trust my Coach. I know she loves me & wants what is best for me!
This was a gift for me. The LORD had deeper healing for me in this area.
Immediately after this happened, Bethanie & I came together & spoke about it. We said to one another...'This Comparison Thing is NOT who WE are. It's not how we do things!'
Also, Bethanie felt bad for doing great!?! I do not (for one second) want my friend to shrink back because she is fearful that I'm going to get my feelings hurt! I want her to SHINE! Her success is also mine!
Have you ever heard God say 'yes' to someone else & 'not right now' to you...that really feels like a 'no'. If we are honest it stings a little. (sometimes allot!) But here's the thing, we need a NEW perspective! When this happens, see it as HOPE! (your 'yes' is on it's way!)
So no more scarcity mentality. Let's flip it to 'abundance' mentality. He is a MORE than God!
It says in Ephesians 3:20-'Now to HIM who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us!'
Know that the LORD is good & his intentions for you are good. I am fully equipped for MY work. HE has made me with great care & purpose. He has clothed my body for the plans HE has for carry my load. There is place in this world that only I can fill. Why would I desire to fill a space that wasn't meant for me.
I am enough because HE is enough. HE has more than enough.
I am so thankful that Bethanie shared this experience with me & that we 'get' to do this thing together!!! We are both Herbalife Coaches in hopes to help others! Oh, and BTW, I won the February Transformation Challenge! :) Only at Jesus' Birthday Party do you take home a gift that I get to keep opening everyday!!!
And let's teach our little Girls to cheer for each other! There is more than enough. Let us CELEBRATE each other!
Shine on, Beloved!
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