Sunday, February 1, 2015

What a difference a Month makes!

So today was our Final Assessment for January Challenge with HerbaLife & TruHit.  I want to share with you my WINS.  And this is not what you might think or even what I thought they were going to be at the beginning of this month...You see this is not about what I lost but what I GAINED.

  I GAINED a bigger heart!
I learned (am learning) an appreciation for my body AS IS!(.)  As I would go to the gym or even in my Yoga classes I would ENJOY the things my body can do & not focus on the things that I just haven't done yet.  Instead of looking in the mirror & picking myself apart, I took a long look in the mirror & LIKED what saw... and let me just say this had very little to do with the outside of my body & allot to do with what's WITH IN me. (Inside Job!)

My Creator, my Heavenly Father created me with great intention & purpose.  ...fearfully & wonderfully made. Ps 139

                 I GAINED more food!

Every time I would get on the scale for my weekly check in's my coach, Shelly would adjust some things.  She would look at my Number's & see my lack & give me more.  She didn't take food away, she gave me more of what I was lacking.  EVERY time I got on a scale & she saw I didn't lose weight so she ADDED to my food intake!!!  For me I needed more Protein...allot more protein.  I was unaware of how much my body needs protein to operate in the place where I can THRIVE.  So I trusted her because She has been doing this for a long time & has seen great results.  The scale has always been a huge trigger for me.  It has always told me where I had fallen short ...& in a way that's true.  I needed MORE good food!

The LORD is a 'more than' God.  HE always wants to give me more where I lack.  ...Every good & Perfect gift is from HIM. James 1:17

I GAINED relationships!
I did this challenge with one of my Besties, Bethanie.  We were both in the same place in our mind, body & soul & wanted something more!  So I got to do some of my sweating alongside my Sister!
To hear her voice say to me 'You got this!' or 'two minutes left' or 'keep it up!'...gave me SO much strength ...gave me LIFE!
Also, through out this challenged I realized how much I 'treated' myself by giving myself junk.  So I would send Bethanie pictures of what I was choosing not to eat (my favorite cookies, taco bell or even doughnuts)  ...and you know what it helped me!  Just to know that someone else knew I wanted this & I was choosing  something that was better for me was SO powerful!  She was there with me when I didn't see anything shifting & she stood with me & spoke to things I didn't see.  But most of the time her silent presence was what I needed most... to know she {in} this with me.
(Jesus has been teaching me ALLOT about Presence but that will be another Blog)

Also, she ROCKED this challenge & I got to be in on the celebration of her hard work!  I got to see her smile through sweat & she inspired me SO much with her strength! (Iron sharpens Iron)

One class last week I was so inspired by the women around me in my class I started crying... while doing mountain climbers!
Let me just take a moment & clarify what I saw,  I saw veterans that have been doing Cross Fit for a long time & they looked so strong & brave!
Then there were others that had been away for a while & they came in lifting double my body weight just by showing up in there own skin & they were so strong & so brave!
Then there was me, a Beginner asking for the modification so I wouldn't hurt my back... & I was strong & brave!

We were not meant to travel this road alone.  HE is near & Girlfriends make it so much more fun to sweat with!  Text/Call & meet up for a hike or even a yoga class!  ...Our Father created us for relationships with Him & with others! ...Gen 1:27

I GAINED knowledge!
Brooke Boone always says 'In order to know where you are going you have to know where you are.'  Drop the Pin.
At the beginning of the month I took measurements & I took an assessment of some basic skills.  I got on the scale. (and the hardest one for me) I took some pictures.
I wanted to get sober-minded.  I wanted to see where I was starting.  No shame.  No condemnation, it's just were I was...

You see Beloved, this was more than a Resolution for me, it was the last month of being 36 & this for me was one of the hardest years (mentally/spiritually) of my life & I refuse to let this year go down feeling like it was all a waste.  It is privilege to get older! have another birthday.  I want to live the abundant life for my Hubby, for my Kids, for my friends & most importantly for me!  HE made me for MORE!

I now KNOW how to feed my body. I have SO much more energy & strength & I am ready to what God has called me to do, this day.

Maybe, just maybe Jesus has more for me than a 'Thigh Gap' or number on the scale (& if you have that you rock, too)...

Oh & by the way I signed up for another month Challenge.  I feel to good to stop!

So, Beloved, you are NOT alone in your struggle.  I hope you know that.  Have some fun maybe even do a Box Jump or even a Burpee!  But jump in, live your life to the full!  

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