Where does my validation come from?
BY AMY SCOTTToday was one of those days where I felt like I got knocked down. I got on the scale and it did not say what I thought it would say... Seriously, I should KNOW by now that validation for my hard work is never going to come from a scale. But why do I keep going back to that place for approval??? Yesterday, I was feeling stronger & (most importantly) happy with the changes I have made since the beginning of the year to {be} intentional about what I put into my MIND, BODY & SOUL...
So why did everything change when I got on the scale???
And what if it did say what I wanted it to say, what then... would that make it all worth it? Until the next time I got on the scale... It's just like the enemy to dangle some fruit in front of me & jerk it away at the last minute.
I think what it comes down to for me is that I want what I do to matter. I want to SEE a difference. like now!
My goal at the beginning of the year was to 'FEEL' better... to feel more like ME. To be comfortable in my own skin. And that my Sister, is an INSIDE job. What I mean by that is that no ONE or no THING outside can tell me that what I am doing matters except me. I have to believe that the choices I am making today are making me ready for all God has for me tomorrow.
Here's another thing, there is this beautiful balance of acceptance & challenging myself to be little bit better than I was yesterday. To show up as I am but to leave changed. In Yoga they say the Yin & Yang... We need both.
So I get out of bed, and put things of value into my mind & body to feed my soul & believe that it does matter. It matters to my hubby, my kids, my friends & even that stranger in the store that needed a smile that I was able to give it to them because I am feeling good. ...& It matters to my Maker!
HE sees.
Ultimately, I was made for MORE! (John 10:10) I was made for a FULL life. Maybe that why I weigh so much because I am FULL!
I don't know if this helps you at all...or if this lesson was just for me but I thought I'd share {in} my process. And if you get on that old scale today & it doesn't tell you what you think it should, throw it away! Stop going to it to tell you your worth. Go to your Creator. He is well pleased! And His pleasure has nothing to do with your weight. He looks at the heart...
And as Fat Amy would say, (from Pitch Perfect) 'Fat heart's are what really maters!' :)
So Beloved, feed your soul today & know you are not defined by the number on that scale!
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