Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Leaving Behind

Brothers, {& Sisters} I do not consider that I have 'made it' on my own. But one thing I do: 'forgetting what lies behind' & straining forward to what lies ahead. I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:13-14

Yesterday I taught my last Holy Yoga class of 2013. We talked about what we were leaving behind in 2013. We didn't talk about weight or our size b/c in this Holy space we desire to get rid of the 'things' that really weigh us down. Things like shame... guilt... fear... rejection... 
In order to 'press on toward our goal' for 2014 I think we need to leave some things behind. 
For me a big one is fear of falling/failing. I'm going to learn to fall forward & not hold myself in bondage to even try because it's not perfect, yet. I went to an inversion workshop & realized I wasn't letting myself reach my potential b/c of my fear of falling. And also not being able to control my fall. My Mom use to call me Grace b/c I had issues w/the ground & my feet! :) and even off my mat I'm not writing my Blog b/c I look at others (be mistake) & I compare. So I willing don't write b/c it's not 'perfect'. So I am saying goodbye to the fear of falling & failing & I will be in process of learning how to fall FORWARD to press on toward my goal. 

Another BIG thing, that I have had great  victory in in the past but I have seen rise up in other areas is the fear of rejection. So I turn into this 'pleaser of man' so that 'they' will like me. So I will be leaving the people pleaser behind in 2013. And the only way I am made able to do so is because I am Accepted as the Beloved. Eph 1:6.(That's enough for me!)

In verse 12 Paul says, 'Not that I have already obtained 'this' or am 'perfect', BUT I press on to make it my own, b/c Christ Jesus has made ME HIS won.

So, My sister, what do you want to leave behind in 2013?



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